Uvjeti korištenja
Uvjeti i odredbe
Dobrodošli u Villa AQUA !
General Terms & Conditions and
Data Protection Declaration
Here you can read our general terms and conditions. Further down on this page you
will find extensive information about our Data Protection Declaration.
General Terms & Conditions
The following describes our general terms and conditions. These terms and conditions govern all bookings
made with us via our website, in our app or arranged by third parties. For questions, please contact our
Customer Service, either by e-mail to villa.aqua@villa-bol.hr or by phone on +385992222045.
1. Ordering
The number of persons, price, accommodation and other products and services to be provided by the Villa
Aqua will be stated on the confirmation received by the guest after ordering. Villa Aqua is adults only type
of accomodation.
2. Validity of the price agreement
The agreed prices are binding on both parties, however, the Villa Aqua reserves the right to adjust the
prices as a result of changes in costs due to increased taxes and fees or other conditions outside of the villa's
3. Changes to orders and cancellations
The type of cancellation rules which apply to your booking will depend on the type of booking you have
made. Always check which rules apply to your booking, as shown on the booking confirmation. Read about
the different cancellation rules here:
3.1 Guaranteed until 16:00
Villa Aqua is obliged to offer a room to a guest until 22:00 on the arrival date. If the guest has not cancelled
the booking or arrived before this time, the hotel may cancel the booking without contacting the guest.
3.2 Guaranteed
The reservation has been guaranteed via a company contract, travel agency or by credit card. Villa Aqua
will keep the confirmed reservation open until 07:00 on the following morning. Cancellation of guaranteed
reservations must be made no later than 16:00 on the arrival date. If the guest does not show up, or if the
guest cancels after 16:00, the first night of the stay will be charged.
3.3 Contract bookings
For orders placed by customers via third parties, the ordering/cancellation rules mentioned in rticle 3.2 will
3.4 18 year age limit
For guests who are arriving to Villa Aqua we have an minimum age limit of 18 years. Villa Aqua reserves
the right to cancel the booking if no valid ID can be produced.
4. Payment
4.1 Cash payments
In the case of cash payments, the hotel will require either a cash deposit on check-in, or a credit card
4.2 Card payments
Villa Aqua accepts payments from the following credit card companies: Visa, American Express,
MasterCard, Diners and Eurocard. For orders via our website, we accept Visa, American Express,
MasterCard and Diners.
5. Check-in and check-out
Ordered rooms are guaranteed to be ready for checking in from 13:00 on the date of arrival (local
exceptions may apply). The check-out time is determined by Villa Aqua, and is usually 12:00 on the
departure date.
6. Liability in the event of damage
The guest, or whoever is the guarantor for the room, is responsible for damage to property resulting from
negligent or irresponsible behaviour by guests. We would remind you that all Villa Aqua room and
facilities are non-smoking. In case of infringement of this rule, the hotel will claim compensation for extra
cleaning of the room. This compensation has been set at 300 EUR, and will be debited from the final bill of
the guest indicated as being responsible for the room.
7. Force Majeure
Events outside the control of the parties to this agreement – for example strikes, lock-outs, fire, etc. that
make it impossible to fulfil the obligations of this agreement – entitle the parties to cancel the agreement
without liability for compensation.
8. Jurisdiction
All disputes that may arise between the parties to this agreement (the guest and the hotel), shall be resolved
in accordance with Croatian law. If the dispute cannot be mutually resolved, the jurisdiction relating to the
location of the hotel premises shall apply, unless consumer relations are subject to mandatory rules.
Data Protection Declaration for Villa Aqua
1. Introduction
Here at Villa Aqua, we process your personal data in various ways, for example when you order services
from us, stay at our villa, use services we provide and some other situations. Our Data Protection
Declaration gives you more information about how we process your personal data. In the following you
will also find contact information, should you have any questions or wish to view the information we hold
on you.
We process your personal data in accordance with the current Croatian personal data legislation, including
2. The data controller for your personal data
Villa Aqua, Put Čempresa 4, 21420 Bol, +385992222045, e-mail villa.aqua@villa-bol.hr is the data
controller responsible for processing personal data in our centralised systems for booking, invoicing and
hotel management. Whenever you book a room, spend a night or make a payment with us, Villa Aqua is
the data controller.
Linkram, obrt za digitalni marketing i web dizajn, Vatrogasna 20A, 10380 Sveti Ivan Zelina, organisation
no. 07371075510, Tel.: +385915599695, e-mail info@linkram.hr , is the data controller for our website.
3. Processing of personal data relating to booking and hotel stays
In connection with bookings made by you or by others on your behalf, we process the personal data we
need to fulfil the agreement for booking and purchase of services. This is information which you have
given us directly or via travel or other agents. For example, we process information about your identity,
your contact details and your payment details. In certain cases, we store your passport number. We also
process other information you may have given us which is relevant to your stay with us. This could be
information about allergies or special requests for your stay. We record all purchases and orders you make
with us in order to provide such services and to enable you to pay for them.
We process this information for as long as necessary for fulfilling the booking agreement with you, and
also as far as this is imposed on us by current legislation or official requirements.
We log the use of key cards in our Villa Aqua. We do this to combat and solve crime, and for safety
purposes, including fire safety. We store our logs for 30 days.
4. Processing of personal data for marketing purposes
We will also use your e-mail address or telephone number to send you news and offers within the rules for
existing customer relationships. Our starting point is the Croatian marketing legislation.
We will contact you on the social media in accordance with your consent, or within the framework of
existing customer relationships. In order to use social media as a communications channel, we need to pass
your e-mail address or telephone number to the social media in question. Our starting point here is consent
or legitimate interests.
You may at any time withdraw consents you have given.
You can also decline to accept marketing within the framework of existing customer relationships. You can
do this by sending a mail to villa.aqua@villa-bol.hr.
5. Processing of personal data for development, troubleshooting and security
We will process data, including personal data, for the purposes of troubleshooting or error correction, for
improving our services and the technology we use and for analysing usage and user behaviour. We will
also process personal data in order to verify your identity, including verifying your identity in connection
with your use of our digital services.
As far as possible, we anonymise data or create statistics, but will also have to process personal data for
development, troubleshooting, statistical and security purposes.
6. Other processing of personal data
In the case of competitions or other activities which you may take part in, we will process personal data
such as name and contact information when this is necessary, e.g. for recording participants and then
drawing one or more winners. As far as possible, we will specifically inform you of this at the time you
take part in competitions or other activities.
If you contact our customer service or otherwise approach us with an inquiry, we will process the personal
data you provide to the extent that this is necessary for answering and logging your inquiry. This is for
legitimate interests or to fulfill agreements with you or to answer your inquiries. The legitimate interests are
to practice good customer care.
Apart from the processing described in our Data Protection Declaration or based on your consent, in certain
cases we must or may process personal data when this is imposed on us or permitted by applicable
legislation, including the Croatian Personal Data Act and GDPR, or by applicable orders from the
authorities or courts.
7. Processing of personal data relating to our suppliers, business customers and business contacts
We process information about contact persons appointed by our suppliers, business customers, cooperation
partners, participants in events aimed at the business world and other persons acting in a business role. We
do this in order to work efficiently, to enter into and enforce contracts, recruit employees, manage our
business and develop our business and professional network. Such information typically comprises name,
contact information, position, business, skills, commercial interests and participation in our events for the
business world or a previous interest in us and our employees.
We store such information for as long as we consider that the person is one of our business contacts.
The starting point for this is our legitimate interests.
8. Surrender of personal data and mandatory processing
We do not pass on your personal data to third parties unless you have consented to this or unless the
applicable legislation, including the Croatian Personal Data Act and GDPR, or a valid order from the
authorities or the courts permit or force us to do so.
For clarity, we would point out that our use of data controllers to process information on our behalf does
not constitute surrender of information.
9. Collection of personal data from others
In order to ensure that we have the correct information about you, we may cleanse your information against
other sources, such as telephone directories, public registries and the like. In some cases, it may be relevant
to credit-check our customers, which involves obtaining credit data from other sources. We obtain
demographic information such as age, gender and language from other sources. We obtain information
from our cooperation partners and other parts of our group, where this is lawful and necessary for providing
services and communication for you.
10. Your rights
As a person, you have various rights under the Personal Data Regulations.
You have the right to view your information, and to correct or delete personal data about yourself which we
are processing. You are further entitled to request limited processing, to raise objections to processing and
to request entitlement to data portability.
If you want to use your right to access our treatment of your personal data, feel free to contact us by
email, villa.aqua@villa-bol.hr. We will answer your inquiry as soon as possible, and no later than within 30
We will ask you to confirm your identity or provide further information before we allow you to make use
of your entitlements with us. We have to do this to ensure that we only give access to your personal
information to you – and not to anyone claiming to be you.
11. Data Protection Officer
We have our own Data Protection Officer at Villa Aqua. The Data Protection Officer is responsible for all
personal data we process.
The Data Protection Officer's work is to monitor our compliance with the personal data rules and our
internal guidelines.
The Data Protection Officer may also help you to assert your rights in respect of us, or help you get
answers to questions about your personal data held by us.
You can contact our Data Protection Officer at zlatko.vojvoda@gmail.com.
If you feel that our processing of personal data does not match what we have described here or otherwise
breaches the personal data legislation, you may, as an alternative, complain to the Crotian Data Protection
12. Use of data processor. Transfer abroad
We use several data processors to allow us to deliver our services to you. Our biggest data processor is our
booking system RoomRaccon.
13. Cookies/Information capsules
We use information capsules (cookies) to improve user experience of our website.
A cookie is a small text-based datafile stored in your equipment (your smartphone, computer or, for
example, a tablet). Cookies help to recognise what type of content and which pages are visited on our
website. Information stored by means of a cookie may include how you use the website, what type of
browser you use and which pages you have visited.
A permanent cookie remains on your equipment for a defined period of time. A session cookie is stored
temporarily on your equipment memory while you are visiting our website. The session cookie disappears
when you close your browser. We use both permanent and session cookies. Villa Aqua may also use third-
party cookies.
If you do not wish our website to store cookies on your equipment, you can turn off the use of cookies in
your web browser. If you turn off cookies, the functionality of the website will be reduced.
14. Changes to Data Protection Declaration or to processing
We are continually working to develop and improve our services for our customers. This may change the
method or extent of our processing of personal data. Information we provide in this personal data
declaration will thus be adapted and updated at regular intervals. We will also change the Data Protection
Declaration when new rules or official practice makes this necessary.
Ovi uvjeti opisuju pravila i propise za upotrebu web mjesta Villa AQUA nalazi se na villa-bol.hr.
Pristupom na ovu web stranicu pretpostavljamo da prihvaćate ove uvjete i odredbe. Ne nastavljajte koristiti Villa AQUA web lokaciju ako se ne slažete sa svim uvjetima i odredbama navedenim na ovoj stranici.
Sljedeća terminologija odnosi se na ove Uvjete i odredbe, Izjavu o privatnosti i Izjava o odricanju odgovornosti i sve ugovore: „Klijent“, „Vi“ i „Vaš“ odnosi se na vas, osobu koja se prijavljuje na ovoj web stranici i u skladu je s uvjetima i odredbama tvrtke. “Tvrtka”, “Mi”, “Mi”, “Naši” i “Mi” odnosi se na našu tvrtku. “Stranka”, “stranke” ili “nas” odnosi se i na klijenta i na nas same. Svi se uvjeti odnose na ponudu, prihvaćanje i razmatranje plaćanja neophodne kako bi se postupak naše pomoći Klijentu proveo na najprikladniji način izričito u svrhu ispunjavanja potreba Klijenta u pogledu pružanja navedenih usluga Društva, u skladu s i podložno važećem zakonu Republike Hrvatske.
Upotrebljavamo upotrebu kolačića. Pristupanjem villa-bol.hr pristali ste na korištenje kolačića u skladu s Pravilima o privatnosti Villa AQUA.
Većina interaktivnih web stranica koristi kolačiće kako bismo dobili podatke o korisniku za svaku posjetu. Kolačići se koriste na našoj web stranici kako bi se omogućila funkcionalnost određenih područja kako bi se olakšalo osobama koje posjećuju našu web stranicu. Neki od naših partnera / oglašivača mogu također koristiti kolačiće.
Ako nije drugačije navedeno, Villa AQUA i / ili njeni davatelji licenci posjeduju prava intelektualnog vlasništva na svim materijalima na Villa AQUA. Sva prava intelektualnog vlasništva su zadržana. Ovom pristupu možete pristupiti iz Villa AQUA za svoju osobnu upotrebu podvrgnut ograničenjima navedenim u ovim uvjetima i odredbama.
Ne smijete:
- Ponovno objavljivati materijal iz villa-bol.hr
- Prodaja, iznajmljivanje ili podlicenciranje materijala iz villa-bol.hr
- Reproducirajte, duplicirajte ili kopirajte materijal iz villa-bol.hr
- Ponovno distribuirajte sadržaj iz villa-bol.hr
Dijelovi ove web stranice pružaju korisnicima mogućnost postavljanja i razmjene mišljenja i informacija u određenim dijelovima web mjesta. Villa AQUA ne filtrira, ne uređuje, ne objavljuje i ne pregledava komentare prije njihove prisutnosti na web mjestu. Komentari ne odražavaju stavove Ville AQUA-e , njenih agenata i / ili podružnica. Komentari odražavaju stavove i mišljenja osobe koja objavljuje svoje stavove i mišljenja. U mjeri dopuštenoj važećim zakonima, Villa AQUA neće biti odgovoran za komentare ili bilo kakvu odgovornost, štetu ili troškove prouzročene i / ili pretrpljene kao posljedica bilo koje uporabe i / ili objavljivanja i / ili pojavljivanja komentara na ove web stranice.
Villa AQUA zadržava pravo nadzirati sve komentare i uklanjati komentare koji se mogu smatrati neprimjerenim, uvredljivim ili uzrokovati kršenje ovih Uvjeta i odredbi.
Vi jamčite i izjavljujete da:
- Imate pravo na komentare objavljivati na našoj web stranici i imate sve potrebne licence i suglasnosti za to;
- Komentari ne zadiru ni u kakvo pravo intelektualnog vlasništva, uključujući bez ograničenja autorsko pravo, patent ili zaštitni znak bilo koje treće strane;
- Komentari ne sadrže nikakav klevetnički, uvredljiv, nepristojan ili na drugi način nezakonit materijal koji predstavlja narušavanje privatnosti
- Komentari se neće koristiti za traženje ili promociju poslovnih ili prilagođenih ili prikazivanje komercijalnih aktivnosti ili nezakonitih aktivnosti.
Ovime dajete Villa AQUA neekskluzivno licencu za upotrebu, reprodukciju, uređivanje i ovlaštenje drugih za upotrebu, reprodukciju i uređivanje bilo kojeg vašeg komentara u bilo kojem obliku i obliku ili mediju.
Hiperveza na naš sadržaj
Sljedeće organizacije mogu se povezati na našu web stranicu bez prethodnog pismenog odobrenja:
- Vladine agencije;
- Tražilice;
- Novinske organizacije;
- Distributeri internetskih imenika mogu se povezati s našom web stranicom na isti način kao što hipervezuju na web stranice ostalih navedenih poduzeća; i
- Akreditirana poduzeća na cijelom sustavu, osim traženja neprofitnih organizacija, trgovačkih centara za dobrotvorne organizacije i grupacija za prikupljanje dobrotvornih fondova, koje možda neće hipervezati na našu web stranicu.
Te se organizacije mogu povezivati s našom početnom stranicom, publikacijama ili drugim podacima na web mjestu sve dok veza: (a) ni na koji način nije varljiva; (b) ne podrazumijeva lažno sponzorstvo, odobravanje ili odobrenje stranke koja je povezuje i njenih proizvoda i / ili usluga; i (c) uklapa se u kontekst web lokacije stranke koja ga povezuje.
Možda ćemo razmotriti i odobriti druge zahtjeve za vezu od sljedećih vrsta organizacija:
- opće poznati izvori potrošačkih i / ili poslovnih informacija;
- web mjesta dot.com zajednice;
- udruge ili druge grupe koje predstavljaju dobrotvorne organizacije;
- mrežni distributeri direktorija;
- internetski portali;
- računovodstvene, pravne i konzultantske tvrtke; i
- obrazovne ustanove i trgovačka udruženja.
Odobrit ćemo zahtjeve za povezivanje od tih organizacija ako odlučimo da: (a) veza nas ne bi činila nepovoljnijim prema nama samima ili prema našim akreditiranim tvrtkama; (b) organizacija nema nikakvih negativnih zapisa kod nas; (c) ako nam korist od vidljivosti hiperveze nadoknađuje nepostojanje Villa AQUA ; i (d) veza je u kontekstu općih informacija o resursima.
Te se organizacije mogu povezivati s našom početnom stranicom sve dok veza: (a) ni na koji način nije varljiva; (b) ne podrazumijeva lažno sponzorstvo, odobravanje ili odobrenje stranke koja je povezuje i njenih proizvoda ili usluga; i (c) uklapa se u kontekst web lokacije stranke koja ga povezuje.
Ako ste jedna od organizacija navedenih u prethodnom stavku i želite se povezati s našom web stranicom, morate nas obavijestiti slanjem e-pošte na Villa AQUA. Uključite svoje ime, ime organizacije, kontaktne podatke kao i URL svoje web stranice, popis svih URL-ova s kojih namjeravate povezati našu web stranicu i popis URL-ova na našoj web lokaciji na koje želite veza. Pričekajte 2-3 tjedna za odgovor.
Odobrene organizacije mogu hipervezati na našu web stranicu kako slijedi:
- Korištenjem našeg korporacijskog imena; ili
- Korištenjem jedinstvenog lokatora resursa koji je povezan; ili
- Korištenjem bilo kojeg drugog opisa naše web stranice koji je povezan s time ima smisla unutar konteksta i formata sadržaja na stranicama stranke koja ga povezuje.
Nije dopušteno korištenje logotipa Villa AQUA ili drugih umjetničkih djela radi povezivanja ako nema ugovora o licenci za zaštitni znak.
Bez prethodnog odobrenja i pismenog odobrenja ne smijete stvarati okvire oko naših web stranica koji na bilo koji način mijenjaju vizualnu prezentaciju ili izgled naše web stranice.
Sadržajna odgovornost
Nećemo biti odgovorni za bilo kakav sadržaj koji se pojavi na vašoj web stranici. Slažete se da ćete nas zaštititi i braniti od svih tvrdnji koje se pojavljuju na vašoj web stranici. Nijedna veza ne smije se pojavljivati na bilo kojoj web stranici koja se može tumačiti kao klevetnička, opscena ili zločinačka ili koja krši, na drugi način krši ili zagovara kršenje ili drugo kršenje bilo kojih prava trećih strana.
Pridržavanje prava
Pridržavamo pravo zahtijevati uklanjanje svih veza ili bilo kojih određenih veza na našoj web stranici. Prihvaćate odmah ukloniti sve veze na našu web stranicu na zahtjev. Također zadržavamo pravo izmjene ovih uvjeta i pravila u bilo kojem trenutku. Stalnim povezivanjem na našu web stranicu, prihvaćate da se obvezujete i slijedite ove povezne uvjete i odredbe.
Uklanjanje veza s naše web stranice
Ako na bilo kojoj web stranici pronađete bilo koji link koji je uvredljiv iz bilo kojeg razloga, slobodni ste u bilo kojem trenutku kontaktirati nas. Razmotrit ćemo zahtjeve za uklanjanje veza, ali nismo obavezni na to ili tako odgovoriti.
Ne jamčimo da su podaci na ovoj web stranici točni, ne jamčimo za njihovu cjelovitost ili točnost; niti obećavamo da ćemo osigurati da web stranica ostane dostupna ili da se materijal na web mjestu ažurira.
Izjava o odricanju odgovornosti za Villa AQUA
Ako su vam potrebne dodatne informacije ili imate bilo kakva pitanja u vezi s odricanjem od odgovornosti naših stranica, slobodno nas kontaktirajte putem e-maila na villa.aqua@villa-bol.hr.
Izjava o odricanju odgovornosti za Villa AQUA
Sve informacije na ovoj web stranici objavljuju se u dobroj namjeri i samo za opće informacije.Villa AQUA ne jamči za potpunost, pouzdanost i točnost ovih podataka. Svaka radnja koju poduzmete prema podacima koje pronađete na ovoj web stranici ( villa-bol.hr ) strogo je na vlastiti rizik. Villa AQUA Ne snosi odgovornost za gubitke i / ili štetu u vezi s korištenjem naše web stranice.
S naše web stranice možete posjetiti druge web stranice slijedeći hiperveza na takve vanjske stranice. Iako se trudimo pružiti samo kvalitetne veze na korisne i etičke web stranice, nemamo kontrolu nad sadržajem i prirodom ovih web mjesta. Te veze na druge web stranice ne podrazumijevaju preporuku za sav sadržaj koji se nalazi na tim web mjestima. Vlasnici web mjesta i sadržaj mogu se promijeniti bez prethodne najave i mogu se dogoditi prije nego što imamo priliku ukloniti vezu koja je možda postala “loša”.
Imajte na umu i da kada napustite našu web stranicu, druge web stranice mogu imati drugačija pravila o privatnosti i uvjete koji su izvan našeg nadzora. Prije uključivanja u bilo koju tvrtku ili prijenosa bilo kakvih podataka provjerite pravila o privatnosti ovih web mjesta kao i njihove “Uvjete pružanja usluge”.
Korištenjem naše web stranice, prihvaćate naše odricanje i prihvaćate njegove uvjete.
Ako ažuriramo, izmijenimo ili unesemo bilo kakve izmjene u ovaj dokument, te promjene bit će vidljivo objavljene ovdje.